Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogpost 4: Gluttony

Have you ever eat so much yet, you are still not satisfied? Have you ever eat so less and foods go to waste? There come times where we are tempted to what food has to offer whether it is good or bad for us. Such is gluttony.

Gluttony is the excessive intake of food and drinks, the over-indulgence and over-consumption of something into the point of waste. It is considered by most religion as the excessive love for food and withholding it from the needy. It is interpreted as selfishness due to placing one's own interest over others especially when you disregard their needs.
In an article named "Seven Deadlies Revisited: II. Gluttony" by Mary Eberstadt, it was mentioned that, "Both St. Gregory the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas, for example,laid down rules about what constituted Gluttony. Only one was what we commonly associate with the sin – i.e., eating or drinking too much. The other four concerned loss of self-control over food and drink, different ways of putting things rather than people first: eating too soon, too expensively, too eagerly, and too daintily. In other words, one can be a glutton not only by excess, but also by spending too much time and savor in either doing so or not doing so".
Mary Eberstadt, in her article, gave us idea about how gluttony manifests. She was able to describe gluttony and relate it with modern times in which we should become proper "stewards of the earth" and start minding not only how much do we eat, but also what do we eat. Eating to a point of waste may mean a waste of an animal life, right?

But where does gluttony usually starts?
In my opinion, gluttony starts in childhood and adapts as a habit as we grow. Even up to this date, childhood gluttony is present which causes the numbers of childhood obesity to skyrocket. As in the article, "Eating Disorders and Childhood Obesity: Who are the real gluttons?" by Joan M. Johnston, it talks about the connection of eating disorders and its impact on childhood obesity.

It states that eating disorders such as the compulsive overeating in which someone uses foods as drugs to soothe emotional depressions and the likes. Eating disorders mostly come from  habits and/or influences which most of the people not notice that it is gluttony.

Therefore; gluttony is the pointless consumption of something that leave us not contented despite of how much we eat while we not noticeably withhold it from the ones in need. In-satiety will make us desire more and consume more which leads to placing one's own interests over other's needs, depicting pride.

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