Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogpost 5: Greed

There are people who seek wealth more than anything else. These people doesn't consider other men who might get affected in a non-beneficial way. These people are succumbed with the claws of greed.

Greed also known as avarice, is a sin of excess just like gluttony and lust. Greed is an excessive or rapacious desire for material possessions and wealth. In Dante's "Purgatorio" (one of the canticas of Divine Comedy), the penitent  were bound and laid face down on the ground for having too much focused on temporal things. In Dante's Inferno, souls unforgiven from sin of greed falls under the 4th Circle of Hell. This circle shelters those who hoards and steals and scavenge material possessions. According to the article, "Greed is Good and Bad" by Phil B., greed has a good and bad connotation. Sometimes, greed serves as incentive to work hard and good education. It may also encourage you to become thrifty at some point. Though after attaining what we aim for, we have some problems we might encounter after. These are the lost of interest after attainment which is similar to ningas-cogon, the continuous collecting even after reaching the amount sufficient to sustain life and, sometimes, people ultimately end up to immoral things. Immoral things involve, hoarding, scavenging, stealing and more.

Another article which is "The Seven Deadly Sins Revisited: Greed" by Mary Eberstadt, also talks about greed and its relation to things in present time.
The article includes the manifestations of greed such as the greed behind gambling wherein people gamble to gain quick cash or they call it fast-bucks.

Greed is obviously associated with pride in a way of valuing one's own interest over others. The greedy disregard the needy for own pleasures and gain which is somehow similar with gluttony.
Therefore, we must learn the virtue of charity in order to avoid the consuming of heart.

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