Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogpost 6: Envy

Have you ever experience inordinate feeling of desire for somebody else's properties or abilities?
Such is envy and is more intense than jealousy.

Envy is an intense feeling of desire towards other's advantages, success, possessions and/or abilities. It is similar to jealousy that they both desire something that is of others but envy also desires the entity and covets it. Dante Alighieri defined envy as "the ultimate desire of depriving men of theirs." In Dante's Purgatorio, the penitent have their eyes sewn shut for having too much envy for material things. An article which is "The Seven Dealies Revisited, part One: Envy" by Mary Eberstadt, includes the manifestations of envy and its growing threats.

Envy's association with pride is evident since the envious desire things that is not of one's own access and something we do not possess.

Stay tuned~

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